I'm a Retired Navy Corpsman who works at Naval Hospital Oak Harbor, married to a bright haired girl, take pictures and sleep with dogs and sometimes blog. Enjoying the process of building a skillset where I can fix anything anything animate, inanimate or spiritual. Disclaimer: The words expressed here in no way represent the views of the Navy, Marines, DOD or even humanity in general. They are mine alone unless otherwise stated. "When life gives you a swamp, find a yoda"
Friday, March 31, 2006
Made it safely to Iraq
We have comfort trailors with real toilets! What is this world coming too? The dust is the same and my nose is already stopped up but as before, that will pass. I'm off to explore, take care.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Picture from the Solar Eclipse

And pictures from our trip out can be found here. Middle of the night and I tried as hard as I could to stay up all day but fell asleep right after the eclipse and woke at midnight, just in time for MIDRATS (meal that they serve around midnight). It’s a mix of breakfast and dinner foods, I had French toast, a slab of some kind of fish, wax beans and sweet tea then walked over to the phone center to call the lovely wife. Nice pleasant boring day, just how I like it (when the doc is bored, everyone is happy). Miss home and cuddling though.
Want to see a snapshot of my life 10 years ago?
Kuwaiting for a bit
I’m with the same squadron as my last trip but an entirely new medical crew. Not flying CASEVAC this trip, letting the other two corpsman take the lead will I man the Leading Petty Officer position (flying the desk), I’ve flown enough my last two trips over.
This trip has been much more subdued then the prior ones, no crowds to see us off and we didn’t stop to see the huge support crowd in Maine. More then 2/3’s of the guys in my squadron have been over here before and there are 20 or so like me on their third trip. It’s odd to think that the business of war has become routine to many of us. It’s just another deployment with occasional bits of hostile fire and having to wear heavy body armor. Not to mention the lack of time off, alcohol, color or sex.
Dreamed of my wife on the way over, cupping the side of her face in my hand it seemed so real then I woke up and was cupping my piggy travel pillow (at least it wasn’t the guy next to me). I miss you hun and I’m very happy to have you in my dreams, be safe and I love you.
Had my first meal out here, steak and lobster and it was pretty good! Conditions have improved much since the last time I was here and it seems like a ghost town compared my prior trips, shorter lines and better service.
I've also gotten here in time to see the solar eclipse that's supposed to happen in a half hour or so. I’ll see what kind of filters I can dig up for my camera and post a few pictures (if they turn out that is).
Saturday, March 25, 2006
out of the blue
I’m happy with the people we’ve grown up to be, Larry’s a great dad, Justin’s an RN and I’m just happy to know I have people like these in my life. Even with going to Iraq shortly, I know I have web of support of people that care about me and have stuck with me through the years.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Caught up with an old friend
Look forward to catching up in person when we both come home from our separate deployments.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
So Heather and I head out and the skies open up and it’s raining cats and horses and as usual with California, traffic ground to a screaming halt. 3 hours later, I’m on the 8th floor of the customs building chatting with a couple of customs agents with the bill of landing, arrival and the packing slip in hand (which the shipping guy said was all the paperwork that I needed). The nice customs folk, after looking over this small stack of paperwork (yes they were very nice about it) said I also need the bill of sale and information on the model. So I call my mom get her to fax what she has. The 5 pages pop out and they look at it for a minute then bring it to me and say, “We can’t use this, it’s in Thai, you’ll need to get it translated, notarized and then have the moped certified by DOT before picking it up”
Good grief, what a way to spend one of my last Fridays in the states!
So, I leave defeated with my tail between my legs and we take PCH all the way back down the coast (it was much faster then the parking lot that 405 had become on a Friday afternoon). Made a stop for for Thai food at a place called Your House Restaurant on the way.
Got home and my roommate’s welcome home party was going full swing (not my going away party because I wasn't supposed to be home). We passed our greetings and went upstairs to watch the new Doctor Who in the SciFi channel. We’ll go back down afterwards.
Monday, March 13, 2006
One of my last weekends here
My first take, very sleek, I’ve been typing unplugged an hour and a half and it still has half of its power. Lighter then my Toshiba, screen and sound are years ahead and it has a 100 gig hard drive gives me a bit more room. My only problem so far is that it doesn’t seem to like my 250 gig Simple Tech hard drive, a after a couple of minutes of working, it develops an error in reading information. Not sure why. After I ran it through the USB hub and it worked fine, no worries I guess.
My gear is packed up and I’m dotting all of the i’s and crossing all of the t’s. Emails of support are already coming in, thanks Josh, Linda, Debbie, Vicki and Deborah. Plus the numerous other usual suspects, you know who you are. Well I’m off to bed, have a great night everyone.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Busy Pre-Deployment Life
This is my third time doing this and even though there seem to be a million moving parts, it seems to be a fair bit easier each time I have to go through this. So no sweat. I have a strong wonderful wife backing me up, I’m married to the girl that dreams are made of. I couldn’t have picked a better wife who suits me to a T. I hate going away from her but I know after we met, nothing out there could compare and I have faith in what we have.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
ABC News Story and the Zogby poll
Well written story on what happens to some of us when we get back from the war zone.
Soldiers Describe 'Emotional Roller Coaster' Upon Return From War
I'm leaving shortly to go back to Iraq for the third time but I didn't see one road side bomb, have to look at a weapon pointed in my eye or have to injure another human being. Did treat a lot of injured folk though and had rounds bounce off my aircraft but I didn't go out each day thinking that I could die at any minute. There were moments when I said Oh S#!$, like the RPG that blew up right in front of my aircraft and flying through the smoke or the first night in Iraq and we had that mortar attack on my first night in country (a first time for the base we were at).
My point is, I didn't go through what much of the ground guys did, yeah a shot here and there, some unexpect booms but my post traumatic scale has been pegged at a big fat 0 for quite a while. Not so for all the people in my shoes, many of my fellow sailors and Marines have turned into violent sleepers, see something on the side of the road and they veer across a couple of lanes of traffic and you almost feel them wanting to jump out of their skins or having a group of them have a scene like this. Their dreams act like positive reinforcement for each bad thing that happened to them or each horror that they saw and only time will tell how it will affect them for the rest of their lives.
There is a poll that was just released by Zogby International that says 72 percent of 944 troops deployed in Iraq say we should leave in 2006 (I'm not one of them), the percentage is higher for the reserves and National Guard 89 and 82 percent. While I think the number is a little high, I'm not entirely suprised at it. The numbers would probably be a bit different depending on which base you're at. This is the third trip over for some of the guys on the front line, almost getting blown up once is enough for most people, but they've had to do it daily for a year or two of their life, for a twenty one year old kid. That's 5 to 10 percent of his life spent dodging bullets, that's probably someone who's tired of coming over.
War isn't easy, specially for the us who have to fight it, but the military isn't a democracy. We go where we're told to go and try to do the best job we can. I still stand by the idea that pulling out quickly would be a bad idea.