Sunday, April 29, 2007

DC, here we come!

In a couple of days the fair bride and I are going to be heading to the top milblogging event of the year, the 2007 Milblog Conference! This trip wouldn’t have been possible without the donations I received from my loyal readers, the 790 dollars donated have paid for our plane ticket and a couple of nights of staying at the hotel, big thank you to, Bane and all of the other donors. You all have our heartfelt gratitude!

This is the wife’s first trip to DC, she graduated from San Jose State with a history degree and consistently spewing off historical facts (with me being a nerdy boy, I find it endearing along with the rest of the package). When I have a question about military history, she’s always been rattle off an answer and give a detailed history behind it. I think she’s going to in bliss for the entire trip, museums for days on end?

Other news, I went out with Fuzzilicious (who’s also going to be at the conference) to look at a new laptops yesterday since it was better then staying at home doing absolutely nothing and it gave me an excuse to wander aimlessly around Fry’s Electronics which is one of my top 10 past times. We found a fairly good deal on the computer that should last her the next few years.

The reason I’m doing absolutely nothing this weekend? My wife went north to drop off the dog with her family, leaving me to fend for myself, so it’s frozen corn dogs, grilled cheeses and top ramen till tomorrow. It’s only been a few days but I miss being able to reach over and touch her, sick isn’t it? Imagine how I feel when I’m in Iraq, when the missing can grow to a painfully large hole in my gut? If you haven’t noticed I worship her and yes, I’m totally whipped.

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