I'm a Retired Navy Corpsman who works at Naval Hospital Oak Harbor, married to a bright haired girl, take pictures and sleep with dogs and sometimes blog. Enjoying the process of building a skillset where I can fix anything anything animate, inanimate or spiritual. Disclaimer: The words expressed here in no way represent the views of the Navy, Marines, DOD or even humanity in general. They are mine alone unless otherwise stated. "When life gives you a swamp, find a yoda"
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Kuwait, take one
I've begun distributing my "Kuwait Take One" windows media player slideshow/movie to the troops to send back home to the families, the reception has been great. The big release of the CD was yesterday afternoon and I've been hearing the soundtrack playing somewhere in the tent consistently since. It's a nice little job on the side since I'm the picture taking fool might as well put it all together in a good package. It has footage of packing up, our trip and what we've been doing since we've been out here overlaid with appropriate music. I think it will do what I want for the target audience back at home. I don't then many of them have followed my links from my fotopage to the blog but it should be in the mail soon, key wives get the tissues out (heh heh, evil laugh). Well I'm running into no shortage of anybody that wants their picture taken, just in how much time I have to upload the pictures.