Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dutch Babies and house cleaning

My wife introduced me to Dutch Pancakes last year on one of our trips to San Jose. If you don’t know what a Dutch pancake is, its huge pancake that you bake in the oven for 20 or so minutes. It puffs up big and you can stuff the inside with all sorts of un-breakfast like food, I had mine with boysenberry syrup, she has a thing for powered sugar and lemon.

My recipe goes like this, I get two 9 inch cake pans, in each I put a quarter cup of butter and put it in the stove at 425. While the butter was melting, I got out the blender and placed one and a half cups of milk, 4 eggs, one and a third cups flour, teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of cinnamon and blended it till it was frothy. Opened up the stove and the butter was turning a golden brown (you want it hot but quite not burning)

The next part is a little tricky, you need to divide the mix into equal parts, on of these days, I should measure it so I can get it right. You pull out the cake pans (or pie pans if you prefer) and poor half of the mix into each and put them back in the oven and bake for 20 minutes and Waalaa, pure Dutch baby goodness.

My son is coming out next weekend and my mother-in-law the weekend after and we need to get the guest bedroom ready for occupancy because there were books on every flat surface and still boxes everywhere so we spent the rest of the day cleaning and getting stuff in order. If you know me, you know how many books I have but I think we'll pass muster now.

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